Waterborne paints - the alternative to synthetic resin paints

Synthetic resin paints

Advantages: Generally speaking, synthetic resin paints are easy to process and provide good coverage. They also flow well, thus ensuring uniformly smooth surfaces. The painted surfaces are very durable, because the paint is highly impact and abrasion resistant.

Disadvantages: However, synthetic resin paints come with the general disadvantage that they pollute the environment with their aromatised solvent and have a strong odour. This is also why more and more companies are using waterborne paints.

The alternative: Zweihorn® waterborne paints

With Zweihorn® waterborne paints, you are already prepared to face tomorrow’s challenges today. Thanks to intensive development and the use of state-of-the-art raw materials, a system was created that is ahead of its time in terms of both application and robustness. Zweihorn® waterborne paints combine all of the advantages of synthetic resin paints and dry much more quickly, while still offering a long open time and providing excellent coverage without any odour. By switching to processing with Zweihorn® waterborne paints, you can save money and work in an extremely environmentally friendly manner.

Excellent filling and coverage

Long open time

Price-efficient and environmentally friendly